Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Integrate FCK editor with ADF

FCK editor is a HTML text editor brings to the web much of the power of desktop editors like MS Word. It's lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer. For more details please visit URL http://www.fckeditor.net and here I am going explain how to integrate ADF with FCK editor.

I have 10+ years of product development and developed many applications using different framework and languages, I personally impresses by Oracle ADF framework. It has rich ajax enabled ui component and also very open to integrate with any third party component like FCK editor.

Steps to integrate FCK with ADF jspx pages

1. Download FCK editor from

2. unzip fck editor zip under public_html directory and it will create fckeditor directory

On linux file system directory will look like

3. Download fckeditor jar and tag library
jar file : FCKeditor-2.3.jar
tag library : FCKeditor.tld

4. Copy tag library under public_html/WEB-INF/FCKeditor.tld

5. Register FCKeditor tag library with jdeveloper
Right click on UI project -> select project properties -> JSP Tag Libraries -> register using add button

6. Add fck editor library to java classpath
Right click on UI project -> select project properties -> Library and Classpath -> register using add button

7. Create a backing bean lets say called ContentSelectionBean which will hold content of editor.

8. Add fckedior xml name space in jspx file

9. Drag-n-drop fckeditor tag on page

10. Set basePath property of fckeditor. This has to be relative path from your public_html and also depends upon where is your jspx file is located.

11. How to get handle to content modified in fck editor
